Become a Cooperating Teacher

Apply Now to be Cooperating Teacher

Cooperating Teacher Application

  • The Educator Academy is recruiting cooperating teachers for the upcoming school year (24-25) across various partner districts and schools. Please complete this form if you are interested in serving at The Educator Academy as a cooperating teacher for the 24-25 school year. If you have questions about the program, review our website or email Genee'.

    Note: This application does not guarantee that you will be a cooperating teacher for a fellow. Final decisions won't be made until late spring 2024.

  • Not ready to apply yet?

  • Personal Information

  • Education Experience

  • Reflection Questions

  • The Educator Academy is working toward becoming an antiracist organization. We are deeply committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. What excites you about that? What might be challenging for you in that work?
  • Observation

    Part of becoming a cooperating teacher is a brief observation by The Educator Academy staff, followed by a reflective conversation. Please answer the questions below to help us schedule that observation and reflection.
  • (In the space below, please describe a block of time during the day that would be best to observe. For this block, you should suggest a time in which you engage in direct instruction, for example: whole group instruction on new content, whole group mini-lessons. You should not suggest a time when you are engaging in one-on-one or small group conferencing, executing a review lesson, or administering an assessment.)