Teacher Residency
The Teacher Residency Model
All students deserve a highly-quality education. Research shows us that the greatest school factor that can impact a child’s learning outcomes is the quality of their teacher. Therefore, we are focused on recruiting, preparing, and developing highly effective teachers in the classroom. Through the teacher residency, residents complete coursework to earn certification while training under a mentor teacher. This model allows teacher residents to learn theory and apply strategies in real-time.
Residents gradually transition from observing and supporting the mentor teacher, to lead-teaching full days of instruction by the end of the school year. After the residency year is complete, graduates commit to being a teacher of record in Kansas City for at least 3 years. Throughout the entire process, The EA provides instructional coaching to our teachers to ensure they are growing to become highly effective in their classrooms.
Residency Year (1 year)
- Model emphasizes classroom experience with a mentor teacher, supplemented with coursework
- One-on-one instructional coaching from EA staff
- Service through AmeriCorps
- Receive a stipend
During the Residency Year and AmeriCorps service year, teacher residents spend 1 day and 1 evening a week in EA coursework. Coursework both prepares residents for their classroom experience, and grounds them in foundational principles of instruction that will prepare them for their teaching certification and beyond. The other 4 days of the school week, residents are in the classroom with their mentor teacher serving students and applying their learning in real time. This model allows residents to gain substantial experience in the classroom before becoming a teacher of record. This rigorous program provides a gradual release into teaching responsibilities. EA staff support residents through coaching, and testing support, so residents are fully certified by the end of the residency year.
Teaching Commitment (3 years)
- Full-time teacher of record in a partner school of EA
- Earn full time salary through partner district
- Continue to engage in instructional coaching from EA staff
Resident graduates commit to teach for 3 years in a partner school of The Educator Academy. Throughout the duration of the teaching commitment, The EA continues to provide development and support through professional development opportunities, coaching, and community events.
Why choose the teacher Residency Program?
Why Choose Our Program?
The Educator Academy is dedicated to making a difference in education. Our unique teacher certification and preparation program will empower you to become the teacher that students deserve.
- Kansas City Centered
We customize our course work to be meaningful to the context of Kansas City and the specific school context in which you’ll be placed with your mentor. Through our program, teacher residents learn about the history of education in Kansas City and history of our public education system. By looking at our unique history, we prepare teachers for the specific circumstances they will encounter in Kansas City schools and prepare them to be leaders for change within the classroom and their school.
- Community Support
Our program works within a cohort model, meaning you will have dozens of other AmeriCorps members going through the teacher residency program right alongside you. Throughout the process, you will gain support from other individuals who also have a passion for educational equity. Cohorts serve as a point for professional and personal support and growth. Beyond your cohort, being a part of one of the most forward-thinking teachers training programs in the nation connects you to our entire The Educator Academy network of residents, graduates, mentors, and alumni.
- Hands on Experience
We go beyond the theoretical experience—we want you to be deeply connected to the communities and children you will be teaching. Traditional training and preparation models often include years of coursework followed by a short student teaching experience; our residency model is flipped. From the start of the school year, you will be in your mentor teacher’s classroom gaining hands-on experience. The courses you attend are meant to bolster and support your experience within the classroom.
- Teacher Wellness Supports
In addition to our programmatic development through classroom mentorship and coaching, Educator Academy also offers well-being and sustainability supports to our members as they work towards accelerated certification including:
- Access to free and low cost mental health services
- Relocation supports
- Wellness funds
And more!
- Preparation & Development
Our program stands out in the depth of support that we provide. In addition to your mentor teacher, you will also have weekly support from a coach of The Educator Academy. We see coaching as a primary lever to grow and develop highly effective teachers. Our coaching style and approach is adapted to meet needs of our residents and their mentor teacher while helping them apply their coursework in their classroom. We customize the coursework to The Educator Academy context to support your training and development as an educator. All of these intentional supports aid in preparing highly effective teachers for Kansas City area schools.
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One program – two tracks:
Certification Only or Master’s Degree + Certification
Our teacher residency program offers two tailored tracks: Certification Only or Master’s Degree + Certification. Whether you’re a recent graduate, career changer, or passionate about education, our program provides a pathway to teaching.
Certification Only Track:
This track is ideal for those who already hold an advanced degree, prefer to avoid taking on additional student loans, or may not meet the GPA requirement for a master’s program (under 2.4). By choosing this track, you can focus on earning your teaching certification without the commitment of a master’s degree.
Master’s Degree + Certification Track:
For those looking to enhance their qualifications and maximize their career potential, the Master’s Degree + Certification track offers several benefits. Earning a master’s degree can lead to a higher salary, greater job security, and increased opportunities for leadership roles in educaiton. Additionally, it can provide a deeper understanding of educational theory and practice, which can be invaluable in the classroom.
Explore your options and choose the residency track that best fits your needs—click here to view a detailed side-by-side comparison of the two tracks.
Teacher Residency
Financial Aspects of the Certification Only Track
The Educator Academy is a financially competitive option for receiving your teaching certification. Too often, finances keep well-qualified individuals from joining education, so we work to make the financial components of our teacher training program as reasonable as we can. Residents are AmeriCorps members which means they receive a living stipend, are eligible for an education award, and can receive health care benefits.
Financial Supports

Residency Stipend: The Educator Academy provides a $25,000 taxable living stipend for residents during the residency year to help aid their living costs as they commit to the full-time residency programming. After the residency year, graduates are then teachers-of-record earning a salary from their school site.
AmeriCorps Benefits: Residents are eligible for various benefits including: Segal Education Award which is a grant of $7,395 that can be used on federal loans or tuition. Additionally, AmeriCorps provides access to childcare assistance, loan deferment, interest forgiveness and more!

Costs of Program
Certification Costs: Residents are responsible for a background check and the cost of certification test. Costs vary depending on the content area of certification and the number of testing attempts. Assistance with certification costs may be available.
Teacher Residency
Financial Aspects of the Master’s Degree + Certification Track
The Residency Program provides you with the opportunity to pursue a Master’s degree. Residents on this track pay for tuition through the University of Missouri-Kansas City for the master’s degree, and are therefore eligible for federal student aid, scholarships, and grants. The Master’s Degree + Certification track gives access to additional education and development, particularly in the second year, along with access to higher earning potential at many of our partners, who have a graduated pay scale for teachers who hold a Master’s. This pathway comes with additional benefits and costs, outlined below.
Financial Supports

Residency Stipend: The Educator Academy provides a $25,000 taxable living stipend for residents during the residency year to help aid their living costs as they commit to the full-time residency programming. After the residency year, graduates are then teachers-of-record earning a salary from their school site.
AmeriCorps Benefits: Residents are eligible for various benefits including: Segal Education Award which is a grant of $7,395 that can be used on federal loans or tuition. Additionally, AmeriCorps provides access to childcare assistance, loan deferment, interest forgiveness and more!

Higher Earning Potential: Many of our school partners have a salary schedule that includes higher wages for individuals with an advanced degree. Teachers who have an advanced degree can make more over the life of their career.
Costs of Program
Certification Costs: Residents are responsible for a background check and the cost of certification test. Cost vary depending on the content area of certification and the number of testing attempts. Assistance with certification costs may be available.
Master’s Degree: Program participants who pursue a Master’s complete their Master of Arts in Teaching through our partnership with the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC). This program consists of 36 credit hours completed over 6 semesters. The tuition rate is set by the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) and may vary depending on state residency. Funding may be available to assist Black Residents with tuition. For year 2 of the master’s program, individuals must purchase any needed textbooks.
Financial FAQs
- Can you tell me more about the residency living stipend?
Residents receive a $25,000 taxed stipend during their residency year. This is paid out two times a month beginning in June 2025 and ending in June 2026. After the residency year, you are a teacher of record at your school and receive a salary and benefits from your school, typically starting in August or September of the school year.
- What is the Segal Award?
The Segal Award is an AmeriCorps education award of $7,395 that all residents receive at the end of the residency year upon successful completion of the program. More info at: bit.ly/segal-award
- What are the matriculation and testing costs for?
This includes the cost to take the PRAXIS certification exam, background checks that are required, as well as ordering all official transcripts. The exact costs vary based on the number of transcripts you have, the type of certification you are pursuing, and the number of testing attempts you make. Typically this cost is $150-$300
- What is the TEACH grant?
The TEACH Grant Program is a federal program that provides grants of up to $4,000 a year to students who are completing or plan to complete coursework needed to begin a career in teaching and are committed to teaching for at least four years after receiving the grant. This grant can be used toward tuition or student loans. Participants pursuing the Master’s degree would be eligible for this grant. While many participants in the Master’s + Certification track choose to utilize the TEACH grant, this grant program is not facilitated by The Educator Academy. You can find more details at: studentaid.gov/teach-grant-program.
- How do I figure out what my tuition rate will be for the Master’s degree?
Tuition rates for the Master’s degree through UMKC vary depending on where you live. There are 36 credit hours in the Master of Arts in Teaching. The tuition rates per credit hour are listed on UMKC’s Cashiers Page (umkc.edu/cashiers/tuition-fees) and are as follows for 2024-2025 school year.
- Missouri resident and Graduate Metro Rate: $512.40 (Atchison, Douglas, Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami, Osage, Shawnee and Wyandotte Counties)
- Midwest Student Exchange Program: $768.60 (Indiana, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, and Wisconsin)
- Nonresident: $1,286.25
- In addition to the tuition due, you can expect additional fees to be included each semester.
- What is the BEI grant?
The EA is proud to partner with the National Center for Teacher Residencies on the Black Educator Initiative (BEI), a national initiative with the aim of recruiting and retaining educators. Our BEI funding is used to support teacher residents from underrepresented and historically marginalized communities who are a reflection of the students in the schools the residents will serve. The supports through this grant include a scholarship for the Master’s degree, certification assistance, as well as emergency funding.
- What other benefits are available to me as a resident?
AmeriCorps provides access to childcare assistance, loan deferment, interest forgiveness and more! Additionally, The EA typically covers 90-100% of the base premium of our endorsed healthcare plan for an individual. The EA also provides textbooks for all residents during the residency year. We partner with National Center for Teacher Residencies on the Black Educator Initiative (BEI) funding used to support teacher residents from underrepresented and historically marginalized communities who are a reflection of the students in the schools the residents will serve.
Ready to join the Teacher Residency Program?
The Educator Academy Process
- Eligibility
- Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university
- Minimum 2.0 GPA
- Able to commit to teaching in an Educator Academy partner school for at least three years
- Be a US citizen or permanent resident
- Application
- Stage 1: Initial Application—Applicants submit an initial application with their basic information, including academic history, background experience, certification preferences, and one short answer question. Submit your application here!
- Stage 2: Phone Interview—The Educator Academy conducts a 30-minute phone interview where we ask a few questions, check in about application materials, and answer any questions candidates may have. Applicants also submit three references and all unofficial transcripts.
- Stage 3: Selection Day—Applicants attend a full-day event that includes more interviews, a group project, and teaching a short 7-minute mini-lesson to other candidates acting as students.
- Residency Year / AmeriCorps Year of Service
- Attend Summer Institute, a full-time, 5-week intensive training
- Attend Seminar courses all day Monday, and Methods courses Wednesday evenings
- Placement at a school with a Mentor Teacher for training Tuesday – Friday
- Participate in coaching and development opportunities
- Take certification content test
- Teaching Commitment
- Work full time as a teacher of record within one of our partner public schools in Kansas City for 3 years after the completion of the residency year
- Continue to engage in The Educator Academy coaching and development opportunities
- Complete master’s coursework if enrolled in Master’s Degree + Certification Track
Which Program is right for me?
The Residency vs Fellowship
Both of our teacher certification programs provide you support and development in your career in education. Both pathways are rigorous and accelerated, yet each has unique requirements and offerings.
Both Offer:
- Teacher wellness support
- High quality instructional coaching
- Certification in 1 year
- Access to The Educator Academy network
The fellowship is designed for individuals with extensive classroom experience, allowing them to earn their teaching certification within a year. Following teacher certification, The EA continues to provide support and coaching to ensure fellow graduates are set up for success in their career.
- Requires significant instructional experience
- Teacher of Record year 1 in the program
- 2-year teaching commitment
The residency is a 1 year program followed by a 3 year teaching commitment. This gradual release model supports individuals with a wide range of experience to transition into the classroom.
- No background in education required
- 1 year residency before teacher of record year
- 3 year teaching commitment
Want to learn more about the residency? Check out our frequently asked questions
Ready to be a Teacher?
Are you ready to earn your teaching certification and master’s degree while receiving coaching and support in a hands-on classroom environment? Then we want you to apply for the most innovative teachers training programs in Kansas City.