Press Release

The Educator Academy Celebrates New Office Space in Crossroads





The Educator Academy celebrates new Crossroads location as they continue to certify, prepare and develop teachers in Kansas City


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Kansas City, August 26, 2022 — On August 31st at 4:30 pm in conjunction with the KC Chamber of Commerce, The Educator Academy will be celebrating the opening of their new location in the Crossroads at 1712 Main Street, KCMO 64108. We invite all to come to this event as we honor the growth in our work. We ask all attendees to RSVP via Eventbrite

President and CEO Charles King says, “We are fortunate to have a space where our program participants can come together to learn, grow, and deepen their practice. Since The Educator Academy launched we have been holding classes and training sessions in our partner schools and other locations in the community.  Our ability to now have programming in our own space will only increase the impact that we continue to have in the community.”

The Educator Academy (The Educator Academy) has been preparing and developing teachers in the Kansas City, MO metropolitan area since 2016. They have certified and prepared over 200 individuals to become teachers in local classrooms. Through The Educator Academy’s Residency program, individuals who are not teachers commit to a 1-year training program, followed by a 3-year commitment to teach in a partner school. This approach involves hands-on experience in the classroom, service as AmeriCorps members, teacher licensure, financial support, and professional development. 

Ultimately, this new space will allow The Educator Academy to better meet its mission by providing a welcoming and productive space for teacher training and development. Operations Manager, Andrea Bright Harrell says, “Our mission is to cultivate and sustain empowered educators in creating equitable classroom experiences for all students. If you want better outcomes for kids, you have to invest in teachers. To have an equitable education system, we have to have quality teachers supported and equipped for the work.” This new location has the capacity for instruction of up to 60 teachers at a time, allowing The Educator Academy to expand its impact.


Media Contact

Andrea Bright Harrell

Operations Manager: People + Branding

816-363-9849 |