Americorps in Kansas City
What is AmeriCorps?
AmeriCorps is a national service program engaging community members within their cities and communities. While AmeriCorps programs specialize in a variety of areas, the one thing they all have in common is service. Our residency program is an AmeriCorps program. While residents are earning their teaching certification, they are also serving in their local school communities. Additionally, this partnership gives individuals access to resources to support them throughout their service year and beyond.
Americorps in Kansas City
Why We Partner with AmeriCorps
Coinciding with the residency year is the AmeriCorps year of service. During this time residents are also AmeriCorps members. This does not require additional work on the member/resident’s part, as the EA program has AmeriCorps requirements embedded into it. The EA’s values closely align with the AmeriCorps mission of serving and developing our community. Participation in the residency year strengthens resident/member skills and leadership while serving our students. Furthermore, members are serving their community by learning skills to become and remain a high-quality educator.

Hear From Our AmeriCorps Members Serving in Kansas City
Benefits of AmeriCorps
Partnering with AmeriCorps within the residency program allows us to offer additional benefits to our members. As an AmeriCorps program in Kansas City, we have unique benefits for individuals looking to become a teacher.
- Living Allowance & Healthcare
All AmeriCorps members in the EA Program are eligible to receive a living allowance (provided by EA) and access to health insurance.
- Loan Forbearance
AmeriCorps members may be eligible to temporarily postpone the repayment of their qualified federal student loans. This means members do not need to make payments on their loans while serving as an AmeriCorps member.
- Interest Payments
After completing the AmeriCorps term of service, members are eligible to have 100% of the interest accrued on their eligible loans paid for by AmeriCorps. Only interest accrued during the residents’ term of service and on qualified federal loans will be paid
When a member successfully completes the term of service with AmeriCorps, the National Service Trust may pay all or a portion of the interest accrued during the resident’s service period for qualifying loans.
- Segal Education Award
A benefit provided to AmeriCorps members, who successfully complete their term of service, is the Segal Education Award, which can be used to pay education costs at qualified institutions of higher education, for educational training, or to repay qualified student loans.
- The Award amount aligns with the maximum amount of the Pell Grant which is subject to change yearly. Note, individuals can only receive the value of two full-time education awards in their lifetime.
- Child Care Benefits
AmeriCorps Child Care Benefits Program is available to eligible, active, full-time members.