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A Call to Action!

Programming / August 15, 2016
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The teacher shortage across the country has left already vulnerable schools and districts at a deficit, wielding rates of 40 to 50 percent of new educators leaving their jobs within the first five years of teaching.

Kansas City is no exception.

Our city’s educators and education advocates have worked tirelessly in years past to address the issues faced by our urban communities, yet teacher burn-out persists, and public schools stand vacant as teachers and families leave our city in droves.

We also see successful charter schools developing and growing throughout urban Kansas City, and as they do so, their need for quality teachers to fill new schools is met with an underwhelming amount of teachers ready to commit past the first few years.

Enter The Educator Academy. 

The The Educator Academy recruits individuals who first and foremost understand that education is not equitable in our city. This understanding that some communities are underprivileged is what guided our 2016-17 recruits to apply for a spot in the inaugural cohort of Residents. Beyond a social justice issue, The Educator Academy Residents are committed to the mission and want to see it through to our goal of serving 15,000 kids or 10% of all students in the Kansas City metro area by 2022.

We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

The Educator Academy is a robust program beyond teacher certification, and offers ongoing coaching, development and a Master’s of Urban Education component with our partner institution, Park University.

With a $25,000 forgivable loan option and job placement with one of our partner schools, we make this work sustainable for each graduate of the Residency.

If you are a Kansas Citian who wants to live in a city where education is equitable for all students, you can help by becoming a Resident with the The Educator Academy. So often, we as a society look for places to turn for answers and solutions, when we have the abilities to create the very change we seek. If when you look into the mirror and see a change maker ready to impact the next generation, then we ask that you consider tossing your hat in the ring and apply for the 2017-18 cohort of The Educator Academy Residents. We know about 15,000 students who will be happy you did.

[su_button url=”” target=”blank” background=”#ffffff” color=”#000000″ size=”4″ center=”yes” radius=”round”]Apply[/su_button]