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National Accreditation

AAQEP Certified

News / April 23, 2024
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For immediate Release

The Educator Academy Earns National Accreditations of Initial Certification Program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  – The Association for Advancing Quality in Educator Preparation (AAQEP) has awarded full 7-year accreditation to The Educator Academy’s initial certification program. After reviewing the evidence collected through a process of self-study and peer review, the AAQEP Accreditation Commission issued the decision at its March 22 meeting along with the following rationale:

The Commission evaluated the program’s evidence for each AAQEP standard and determined that all four standards are met. The program selects and prepares candidates to work effectively as professional educators who can adapt to different contexts and continue to grow professionally. The Educator Academy maintains program quality by analyzing evidence of its effectiveness continuously and making revisions to benefit candidates. It engages with stakeholders and partners to strengthen the P-20 education system in the Kansas City metropolitan area.

“Congratulations to The Educator Academy and to all of the faculty, staff, and stakeholders who have achieved their goal of national accreditation by AAQEP,” said AAQEP President and CEO Mark LaCelle-Peterson. “The program’s careful attention to evidence at each stage of the preparation process ensures that the teachers it prepares are ready to serve effectively in urban schools.”

National accreditation assures the quality of professional preparation programs through a nongovernmental, non-regulatory process of self-study and peer review. This standards-based and evidence-based process serves two broad aims: accountability and continuous improvement. The AAQEP model is also designed to honor local context and foster innovation and collaboration among institutions. AAQEP currently has members in 38 states and other jurisdictions with over 190 educator preparation providers participating in the accreditation system.

This accreditation will support The Educator Academy’s mission “to cultivate and sustain empowered educators in creating equitable classroom experiences for all students.” The Educator Academy’s Chief Program Officer, Leslie McTighe, spoke of the significance of this accomplishment. “With the mission of AAQEP being to strengthen the education profession in order to serve all students equitably, and doing so by setting rigorous standards of excellence, it was an indisputable choice for the Educator Academy to pursue accreditation through AAQEP. It is an honor to be accredited by such a distinguished organization, and we intend to build upon this significant accomplishment by continuing our commitment to cultivating teachers and growing community for years to come.” 



About The Educator Academy

The Educator Academy (The EA) is a nonprofit education organization focused on recruiting and preparing individuals to become teachers and also supporting current teachers to stay in the classroom for the long term. We envision a world where an equitable education system is a reality. To get there, we aim to cultivate and sustain empowered educators in creating equitable classroom experiences for all students. Founded in 2016 as Kansas City Teacher Residency (KCTR), our organization’s original core focus was teacher preparation through the residency model. Over time, given the shifting dynamics and needs of education, we have expanded to offer multiple avenues for people to enter the classroom and deepened our support for those already in the classroom. We now offer a host of programs including teacher residency, teacher fellows program, mentor teacher program, and professional development. 


Founded in 2017, AAQEP is a membership association and quality assurance agency that provides accreditation services and formative support to all types of educator preparation providers. The organization promotes excellent, effective, and innovative educator preparation that is committed to evidence-based improvement in a collaborative professional environment. AAQEP is nationally recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Visit aaqep.org for more information.

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