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Interested in becoming a The Educator Academy partner?

Programming / October 5, 2017
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The The Educator Academy (The Educator Academy) is a teacher preparation and development program that recruits and selects college seniors, recent college graduates, and career changers who are interested in entering the field of education.  Our 4-year program includes an initial Missouri teacher certification, master’s degree in urban education studies, ongoing coaching and support, and access to a network of likeminded educators who are committed to serving in urban schools.   


In the coming year The Educator Academy will be growing and is looking for interested charter and traditional school districts to partner with us.  As a The Educator Academy partner you will have access to a talented and selective group of mission-oriented individuals who will make a minimum of a three-year commitment to teach in Kansas City, providing another pathway to grow and develop experienced teachers through our Mentor Teacher program, and opportunity to work collaboratively with schools and districts across Kansas City.  

If you are interested in learning more about partnering with The Educator Academy please contact Charles King, Executive Director, charles@educator-academy.org.